T h ig h
L eg
F o o t
Origins and insertions of the muscles of the foot and the leg
M abductor digiti minimi
M. flexor digitorum brevis
M flexor digitorum longus
M adductor hallucis, Caput transversum
Mm interossei plantares
M flexor digiti minimi brevis
M abductor digiti minimi
M flexor hallucis longus, Tendo
M adductor hallucis, Caput obliquum
M abductor hallucis
Ossa sesamoidea
M abductor hallucis
M flexor digitorum brevis
Mm interossei dorsales pedis
M flexor digiti minimi brevis
M, abductor digiti minimi
M, flexor hallucis brevis
M adductor hallucis, Caput obliquum
M. fibularis [peroneus] longus, Tendo
M, tibialis posterior
M. quadratus plantae
M abductor hallucis, Tendo
M flexor hallucis brevis
M fibularis [peroneus] longus
M tibialis anterior
M abductor hallucis
Fig. 1364
Origins and insertions of the muscles
at the bones of the foot;
plantar view.
->T47, T48, T50,
T52-T 54
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